PLT GmbH is fully committed to the research and development of innovative, multifunctional and environmentally friendly coatings. This is achieved through close cooperation with universities and various industry stakeholders, who require coatings with special properties to solve specific problems that traditionally cannot be solved.
The excellent and very fruitful cooperation between PLT and the University of Udine in Italy is particularly noteworthy. PLT has recently joined forces with the University of Udine and Electrolux Professional for a research project within the framework of the EU Community Initiative ‘INTERREG’ promoting cross-border cooperation between Austria and Italy. ‘FasTher’ is the name of the project with the highest score among all projects and is ground-breaking in the development of new multifunctional, environmentally friendly powder coatings.
For further information on our project ‘FasTher’ and ‘INTERREG projects’ in general please click on the image and the link. Three more projects are in the pipeline with Austrian universities and major Austrian and Italian industry leaders in the fields of mechanical engineering and electronics.